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TCU Foreign Awards Assessment System (FAAS). The Commission approves relevant examination regulations, determines the equivalence, and hence recognises awards given by university institutions inside and outside Tanzania. TCU has an online system specifically for evaluating foreign awards. The system is known as the Foreign Awards Assessment System (FAAS).

TCU Foreign Awards Assessment System

A foreign award is conferred by an award body outside Tanzania. Assessment of an award is the process of verifying that the knowledge, skills, competencies, and education obtained in another country are comparable to the standard established for the Tanzanian award.

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Applicants whose awards have been conferred by university institutions outside Tanzania should make an online application for their foreign awards to be assessed. The assessment process takes into account citizens and non-citizens who hold foreign awards from university institutions elsewhere in the world. TCU’s evaluation is based on structural comparison, analysis of the curricula, and assessment of learning outcomes. TCU recognises the foreign award qualifications by equating them to similar awards as per the Tanzanian University Qualifications Framework (UQF). To view the Procedure for Application and Recognition of the Foreign Award click here.

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Under Principle 7 of the Principles and Guidelines for Evaluation of Foreign Awards and Recognition of Qualifications, 2019, any person who is dissatisfied with the decision of the Commission may appeal against the said decision within a prescribed period of time from the date of receipt of the decision. To view the Appeal Procedures, click here.

Online Assessment Procedures

All applicants seeking recognition of their foreign awards shall fill-in an online form by following this link provide personal details that will enable the Commission to identify individuals and their details accordingly. The online form has five (5) main sections. Section one involves personal details; Section two involves information on the foreign award to be assessed; Section three involves information on the education background from Primary School to the level attained in the foreign University institution which needs to be evaluated; Section 4 involves uploading of documents which will be discussed in the preceding subsections while Section five is the Declaration and submission of the entire application.

It is important for applicants to note that the information filled in the online form should be consistent, genuine and appear exactly as they appear in all the documents submitted. In case of non-conformity of the names submitted, applicants should have a Deed poll.

Applicants holding more than one foreign award should create their first Account and in the profile of that account add another application to include details of the intended award and the procedure goes on and on to the completion of registration of all foreign awards.

Details required per each section

  • Section One: Personal Details

Applicants are required to fill in all the fields in section one. It is important for applicants to note that, most of the fields under this section are stared red and the section would be incomplete if any of the information required is left unattended. The information listed below are a prerequisite for this section:

  • Full Name(s) as they appear in an individual’s awards) and other official documents
  • Country of Birth
  • Valid Email Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Residence status
  • Contact Address
  • Mobile Number
  • Landline
  • Purpose of Assessment
  • Reminder Question and its Secret Answer

Section Two: Information on the foreign award to be assessed

This section involves filling in information about the foreign award to be assessed.

All starred sections must be filled by applicants:

  1. Name of qualification in English e.g. Master of Arts in Linguistics;
  2. Country of qualification e.g. United Kingdom;
  3. Name of Education Training Institution or Campus: e.g. Institute of Finance Management,Tanzania;
  4. Name of awarding body (University, College, Professional body): e.g
    University of Strathclyde;
  5. Previous qualification required for entry into the course: e.g. Bachelor of Arts inEducation;
  6. Years studied to complete the course: e.g. 2;
  7. Year studies started: e.g. 2015;
  8. Year studies completed: e.g. 2017;
  9. Mode of delivery of the course: e.g. Full-time;
  10. State the mode of receiving material of learning (for online studies only);
  11. Institute that provided training leading to award is accredited by: NACTE;

For more Information Visit

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