Examination System in Tanzania – Educational Psychology (EP), Historically. examinations in Tanzania trace their origin to the British colonial examinations. Omari (2012) notes that the examination system in Tanzania was part and parcel of the colonial structure
• The examinations were a reflection of what was going in the education system in England and in the commonwealth countries. The examination were the same in all British colonies including Tanzania and were administered centrally in England or in designated countries.
Types of Examinations During the Colonial Period
- 1. British School Entry Test
- 2. Primary School Entry Test
- 3. Standard Three Entry Examinations
- 4. The Standard Four examination
- 5. The Territorial Standard VIl Examination
- 6. The Territorial Standard X Examination
- 7. The Cambridge Oversees School Certificate (Ordinary Level)
- 8. The Candidate High School Certificate (A-Level)
Examination system after independence
Soon after independence 1961. the need to refom the examination system and the education in system Tanzania emerged so as:
- To remove the segregation befween Africans, Indians and
- European schools and
- To provide quality and relevant examinations
Thus, the 1962 Education Act was established to this effect. By 1967. the East African Legislative Assembly {EALA|by Act of parliament created the east African examination Council with the head office in Nairobi. Kenya in order to conduct academic and technical examinations in the three East African countries
Functions of NECTA
- i. To formulate examinations policies which are consistent with national policies
- Il. Assume responsibility for examinations in Tanzania. and to make provisions for centres and places for examinations
- ili. Receive from other persons and bodies materials relating to examination policies and consider and review examination policies as circumstances will require
- 1. Standard Four National Assessment (SFNA)
- 2. Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE)
- 3. Form Two National Assessment (FTNA)
- 4. Qualifying Test (QT)
- 5. Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE)
- 6. Advance Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE)
- 7. Grade A Teachers Certificate Examination (GATCE)
- 8. Grade A Teacher Special Course Certificate in Special Needs Education Examination (GATSCCE -SNE)
- 9. Diploma in Technical Education (DTE)
- 10. Diploma in Secondary Education Examination (DSEE)