Historia ya elimu ya FREEMAN Mbowe (2024)

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Historia ya elimu ya FREEMAN Mbowe
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Historia ya elimu ya FREEMAN Mbowe


Freeman Aikaeli Mbowe (born 14 September 1961) is a Tanzanian politician, member and chairman of the Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) political party.

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He was elected from the year 2000 to 2020 to be a Member of Parliament for the State of Hai located in the Kilimanjaro region. He was one of the founders of CHADEMA in 1992. Mbowe is known to be a smart strategist, making him one of the highest political leaders in the country.

In 2005, Mbowe ran for the presidency of Tanzania through his party CHADEMA and won 5.88 percent of all votes.

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Historia ya elimu ya FREEMAN Mbowe

When he graduated form 4 Kibaha Secondary, he successfully joined form five IHUNGO Secondary in Bukoba Municipality. Later he went to England for further studies. In England he studied a program called PPE (Politics, Philosophy, and Economics).

PPE is a program that was established by the United Kingdom for government employees. Later, other countries like the US and RSA have started the program. In the UK it is given as a first degree only. Mbowe completed an MBA in Leadership & Sustainability from the University of Cumbria, UK.

Freeman Mbowe is one of the people who worked in the Central Bank of Tanzania as an Officer of the Central Bank (BoT) where he managed to meet Elder Edwin Mtei, Elder Bob Makani.

Historia ya Siasa ya Mbowe

In the political movement, Freeman Aikael Mbowe officially entered politics in 1992. Freeman Aikaeli Mbowe is one of the FOUNDERS or founders of Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA), a party that was registered for permanent registration in 1993 with number 0000003 in accordance with the political parties law number 5 of 1992 at the registrar’s desk

Freeman Aikaeli Mbowe being the youngest youth during the founding of CHADEMA led the youth directorate of CHADEMA under the chairmanship of Edwin Mtei. Other founders of CHADEMA to mention their names at least include;











When looking for members of CHADEMA to obtain provisional registration (Provisional registration) in accordance with the political law number 5 of 1992 section 8 and permanent registration (full registration) in accordance with section 10(1)(b)

What a political party wants to get permanent registration is to have two hundred members in ten (10) regions, with two regions being Pemba and Unguja, CHADEMA established the action as a TRAIN JOURNEY FROM DAR ES SALAAM TO KIGOMA.

The concept “JOURNEY FROM DAR ES SALAAM TO STRIKE” meant that, in the mission to seek real change and create a government by winning the election, there are those who will be bought, who will decide to leave politics, who will leave the party, who will leave CCM and ride the train anywhere!

Freeman Mbowe and his co-founders gave the journey from Dar Es Salaam to Kigoma that reaching Kigoma is CHADEMA to win the election and form a government. They believed that on the journey, some will go down to Kibaha, some will go up, some will take the Morogoro train

Some will go down, some will go up to Dodoma, others will go down. So they meant that, in the long journey to reach Kigoma (at that time, the train journey from DSM to Kigoma was difficult, suffering and painful. It took 3 to 5 days from DSM to reach Kigoma)

So the suffering experienced by the Founders to build CHADEMA compared to the journey from Dar Es Salaam to Kigoma. For example, CHADEMA leaders led by Edwin Mtei, Bob Makani, Freeman Mbowe, Mary Kabongo and Evarist Maembe were stoned and chased away by the people of Morogoro.

They were told that “What is CHADEMA?” Why do you oppose our party that freed us from colonial slavery? Why do you oppose the party of Mwalimu Nyerere, the father of the nation? Why do you oppose the weak party CCM, a party that has hope for farmers and workers?”

They were stoned, driven to various places, insulted, humiliated and ridiculed. Talking about opposition politics was seen as betrayal and treason, they tolerated it. Some gave up, others decided to return to CCM, others decided to protect their positions and interests and return to CCM

In 1995 Edwin Mtei and Bob Makani both took the Form to run for the presidency of the United Republic of Tanzania and both seemed to be strong. The struggle brought great confusion within CHADEMA.

Freeman Mbowe as a young man gave advice to the party that CHADEMA should not suspend the presidential candidate to avoid a split within the party and instead CHADEMA should support the presidential candidate through NCCR MAGEUZI, Augustine Lyatonga Mrema.

This advice of FREEMAN Mbowe was supported by members and Leaders. Edwin Mtei and Bob Makani left the process and CHADEMA supported the presidential candidate of NCCR-MAGEUZI, Augustine Lyatonga Mrema in the 1995 general election.

Freeman Mbowe took the form to run for parliament in Hai state in 1995. Freeman Mbowe during the campaign in Hai state, he was asked to cover the meeting of the presidential candidate Augustine Lyatonga Mrema and was promised that Mrema will bid for him on stage. Mbowe because he grew up with money and a good economy.

he paid for the meeting organized by FREEMAN Mbowe including the accommodation of Mrema’s campaign team etc. But when Augustine Mrema came to the stage, he ignored Freeman Mbowe of CHADEMA and bid for NCCR MAGEUZI’s candidate called Mwinyihamisi Mushi.

In the election, NCCR MAGEUZI candidate Mwanahamisi Mushi won by getting 29,046 votes (52.0%) while Freeman Mbowe got 15,995 votes (28.6%). Freeman Mbowe did not give up, he continued to vow to become a Member of Parliament for Hai but through CHADEMA (not the other way around)

In 2000, another general election was held. Freeman Aikael Mbowe ran again for parliament in the state of Hai and won 64.5% of the vote against his opponent NCCR MAGEUZI who had a struggle due to his party having a big disruption.

The big political conflict between Mabere Nyaucho Marando and Agustine Lyatonga Mrema made NCCR-MAGEUZI very conflicted and began to lose its appeal to the public. Its leaders began to withdraw from the party. Freeman Mbowe led the province of Hai until 2005.

In the position of President, FREEMAN Mbowe and CHADEMA generally agreed that CHADEMA should not stop any candidate but the party should support the candidate of the People’s Party (CUF) Prof Ibrahim Haruna Lipumba. But the agreement was not successful. Freeman Mbowe ran for President.

The presidential and parliamentary elections were held on 4 December 2005. Earlier it was scheduled to take place on 30 October but was postponed due to the death of the candidate for the seat of the Vice President (a co-candidate of CHADEMA), Jumbe Rajab Jumbe.

In 2004, Freeman Mbowe ran for the chairmanship of CHADEMA TAIFA and won, accepting Bob Makani who led from 1999. Mbowe after becoming the Chairman of CHADEMA made a lot of changes in the party.

In 2004, Freeman Mbowe ran for the chairmanship of CHADEMA TAIFA and won, accepting Bob Makani who led from 1999. Mbowe after becoming the Chairman of CHADEMA made a lot of changes in the party.

After being elected, Freeman Mbowe made very big changes within CHADEMA. It was during this period that Mbowe started visiting various Tanzanian universities, following various politicians from CCM, NCCR MAGEUZI, CUF, TLP and other parties. There are many examples.

John Mnyika who became an activist to defend the rights of students and various people and also as a Radio One Stereo announcer, Freeman Mbowe convinced him to join the party for Democracy and Development (CHADEMA) to join other reformers.

However, the great ability of John Mnyika which he showed in the Nkrumah hall at the University of Dar Es Salaam (even though he was studying in the evening) stood up and opposed the policy of contribution to higher education (cost sharing) and caused students to start a strike in the college

John Mnyika in Morogoro, was asked to calm the situation and when he arrived at the college, he called the students and told them several things to test their courage. He asked his friend to throw a stone in the middle of a large gathering of angry students, Mabibo Hostel area

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