Matokeo ya darasa la saba Ruvuma / Standard seven Results 2021 Ruvuma Region– NECTA standard seven results 2021|
Matokeo ya darasa la saba Ruvuma. Ruvuma Region is situated in the Southern part of Tanzania. It is located between latitude 90 35 and 110 south of the equator, longitudinal 340 31 and 38o 10 East Greenwhich. It shares borders with the Republic of Mozambique in the South, Lake Nyasa in the West and Iringa Region in the North and North East. It is also bordered by Mtwara Region to the East.
The Region lies in the Southern Highlands which rise from 300m to 2000m above Sea level. The Western part of the Region is covered by Lake Nyasa which lies within the Western arm of the Rift Valley. To the East of the Rift Valley there are Matengo Mountains ranges which rise up to 2000m. Similarly towards the North there are Lukumburu Mountains whose elevation lies up to 2000m above sea level. South of the Region runs through the lower plains which are dissected by Ruvuma river
Apart from being a Natural boundary between the Republic of Tanzania and Mozambique, Ruvuma River is also an important river in the Southern drainage system. The Ruvuma River drains into the Indian Ocean and it is constituted by several pinnacle tributaries such as Njuga, Likonde, Ngembambili and Lukimwa. Other rivers includes Luegu, Mbarang’andu, Lutukira, Ruhuhu and other many small streams also form the major drainage system for the Region.
1:2 Areas
Ruvuma Region covers a total area of 64,393 sq kms of which 2,978 sq kms are covered with water leaving a land area of 61,415 sq kms. Out of the land area 54,457 sq kms (89%) are arable land and 6,958 sq kms (11%) are under forest reserves.
Check here Standard seven Results 2021 Ruvuma Region| Matokeo ya darasa la saba Rukwa
The National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) is Government Institution which was established by the Parliamentary Act No. 21 of 1973. NECTA is responsible for the administration of all National Examinations in Tanzania.
Functions of National Examinations of Tanzania
- To formulate examinations policy in accordance with the principles of education for self reliance and the education and training policy
- To ensure responsibility for examinations within the United Republic of Tanzania and to make provision for places and centres for examinations
- To receive from other persons or bodies of persons reports or other material affecting examinations policy and from from time to time to consider and review examinations policy as circumstances may require
- To co-operate with other persons or bodies of persons in the orderly development of an examinations system in the United Republic of Tanzania
- To conduct examinations for, and to grant, diplomas, certificates and other awards of the the council
- To act as the body which shall facilitate, administer and supervise foreign examinations in Tanzania
The Standard seven results 2021 (Matokeo ya mtihani darasa la saba 2021) is the final marks obtained after marking the Standard seven Exam papers, the results provide reports in terms of candidate number, sex, students’ names, Grade scores and Subjects etc. PSLE results (Matokeo darasa la saba 2021/2022) provide feedback across different levels of the education system in terms of the learner’s achievement of important knowledge and skills within the primary education programme.
How to check for standard seven Results 2021 Rukwa Region– Matokeo ya darasa la saba Ruvuma 2021
Standard seven Results 2021 Ruvuma Region, National Examination council of Tanzania NECTA arrange Standard Seven Reults(Matokeo ya Darasa la saba) By each Region, District and school. The name of those results are placed in different category and also can be found through each Region Website at
Also National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) is clearly defining this by letting you simply Visit a web link to access your PSLE results – matokeo ya darasa saba 2021 instantly via your web browser to access Standard seven Results 2021 Ruvuma Region
You can now follow the following step below to access Standard Seven Results 2021 Rukwa Region
- Step 1: Visit the NECTA official result website or or
- Step 2: Find and Click on the link for ‘Matokeo darasa la saba 2021’ or PSLE Primary school leaving examination Result 2021
- Step 4: To check in your Matokeo darasa la saba 2021 – PSLE Result 2021, Find your Region > District > School Number or name > Centre Number to check your results
- Step 5: The Primary school leaving examination PSLE for your region, district or school will appear online
- Step 6: Check the result for the marks and download it for future reference.
Check the Link below to access Standard Seven Results 2020 for Ruvuma.