Yanga Sc Yaongoza kwa Mapato| Yanga Leads in Revenue and Fans for 2020/2021 season
Yanga Football Club of Dar es Salaam led in revenue at home matches in the 2020/2021 season by earning 986.8 million shillings according to TFF
A statement from the Tanzania Football Federation (TFF) named Simba club second with 929.7 million shillings. Other teams that brought in the most revenue are JKT Tanzania 148 million shillings, Dodoma city 139 million shillings and Ihefu 138.6 million shillings.
According to TFF Yanga also led to the largest number of fans that season at the home stadium of about 141, 681 followed by Simba which included 138,518 fans.
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Other teams that attracted the most fans are Dodoma City 27, 455, JKT Tanzania 25, 062 and Mwadui 22,232.