Names called for Interview at Momba District Council. Momba District, is one of the new districts, was officially established in 2012 by the Government in accordance with section 5 (5) of the Local Government (District Authorities) Act, chapter 287 R.E 2012 and among other laws relating to the establishment of The district includes the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania and the Regional and District Establishment Act Chapter 397 of 2012,

Names called for Interview at Momba District Council
After the division of Mbozi District with the aim of facilitating access to services for the residents of Momba District, following the announcement of Government (GN) No. 73 of 2012 Momba district was declared officially established along with 18 other districts, the official certificate of establishment of Momba district and came into force was issued on 23/12/2012.
Momba District is made up of two councils, Momba District Council and Tunduma Town Council, which together have 4 divisions, Momba District Council with 3 divisions and one constituency and Tunduma Town Council if and 1 division and one constituency.
Names called for Interview at Momba District Council _ July 2022
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