Job vacancies at Songwe District Council. Songwe District is among of the District of Songwe Regional with synonymous name as ‘’Tanzania land of Gold’’ The District has been established in year 2015 following Government note number 433b dated September 25th under United Republic of Government Tanzania Parliament act no. 7/1982 of LOCAL GOVERNMENT [DISTRICT AUTHORITIES] and was split from Chunya District, Mbeya Region, Tanzania

Job vacancies at Songwe District Council
The District is allocated in southern west of Tanzania and has an area of 16,070 kilometers out of which 14, 965 is occupied by land and 1,105 is occupied by water
6 Job vacancies at Songwe District Council _ Various Posts
The Executive Director of the Songwe District Council wishes to announce to all Tanzanians who are qualified and interested in working in the Songwe District Council to apply for the following positions: Open the attached PDF file BELOW
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