New Government Salary Scales 2022.The government plans to spend Tsh. 9.7 Trillion to cover the payment of salaries of all employees in Central Government, Local Government, Institutions and Government Agencies in the Financial Year 2022/2023 Salary budget for 2022/23 has an increase of 1.59 Trillion (19.51%)

New Government Salary Scales 2022
The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) is a government organ with a status of independent Department established specifically to facilitate the recruitment process of employees to the Public Service.
In 2014 , the Government through UTUMISHI implemented new Salary Scales, The Tanzania civil service has a common pay and grading system. This means that all departments and offices have the same approach to grading, with pay levels in respect of each grade determined centrally.
New Government Salary Scales 2022
The table below show the new government salary scale starting form July 2022

Viwango vipya vya mshahara serikalini 2022
1 comment
mbona secta binafs hamjaongeza au wao hampigii kura rais?