Majina ya waliojiriwa ajira za afya 2023/2024. You will remember that in April, 2023; Hon. Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, gave permission for the employment of 21,200 employees of which 13,130 were from the teaching cadre and 8,070 from the health cadre.

Majina ya waliojiriwa ajira za afya 2023
After obtaining the employment permit, the President’s Office – TAMISEMI issued an announcement to various graduates of Teaching and Health Cadres to submit job applications through the electronic system to receive and process employment applications from 12/04/2023 to 25/04/ 2023. A total of 171,916 applications, including 76,190 women and 95,726 men, were received in the system, where 48,705 Health Cadre applications and 123,211 Teaching Cadre applications were received.
The President’s Office – TAMISEMI created a Special Analysis Team that worked to analyze and review various employment applications. Application review has been done at various stages. Due to the large number of applicants, the Job Application Analysis Team was given criteria to consider in the entire selection process of job applicants with the aim of ensuring fairness and transparency in this exercise. The parameters used are as follows:-
Graduation year
Year of Graduation was the main primary variable considered. In this criterion, priority has been given to the qualified applicants who have already graduated in the sequence of the year according to the requirement of the cadre/course or level of Education.
Age of birth
The criterion of birth age was used to give priority to applicants who are older than their peers where the applicants graduated in the same year, and that there were fewer places in the respective year than the number of applicants. The goal is to enable applicants who are close to 45 years of age to enter the public service on permanent terms in accordance with existing employment procedures.
Majina ya waliojiriwa ajira za afya 2023/2024