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Ratiba ya ligi kuu Tanzania bara 2023/24 NBC Premier league, ratiba ya ligi kuu nbc 2023/24 This article contain information for Ratiba ya NBC 2023, NBC premier league table 2023/24,  Ratiba ya Ligi kuu Tanzania, ratiba ya ligi kuu tanzania bara 2023 24, ratiba ya ligi kuu tanzania bara 2023/24 pdf, ligi kuu bara 2023 24, nbc premier league table 2023/24, Mechi za kesho ligi kuu Tanzania bara.

The Tanzania Mainland Premier League is the highest competitive league in Tanzania, managed by the Tanzania Football Federation TFF. It was founded in 1965, at that time known as the “National League”. The name was changed to “First Division League” and again changed to “Major League” in 1997.

Ratiba ya ligi kuu Tanzania bara 2023/24

Ratiba ya ligi kuu Tanzania bara 2023/24

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Ratiba ya Ligi kuu Tanzania

Ratiba ya ligi kuu Tanzania bara 2023/2024, The NBC Tanzania mainland league for the 2023/2024 season will kick off on August 15, 2023 and end on May 25, 2024 with a total of 16 teams participating.

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In the last season, the league cup was carried by the oldest club in the country, yanga sports club who carried it for the second time in a row after doing so in the 2021/2022 season where they robbed their hometown simba sports Club after staying with it for four consecutive seasons.

The league will start as we witness Mashujaa FC from Kigoma as one of the 16 teams that will participate in the league after being promoted this season and entering the list of teams that will participate in the NBC Tanzania Premier League in the 2023/2024 season.

Ratiba ya ligi kuu Tanzania bara 2023/24 NBC

Dates & Time Home Away
Tuesday 15/08/2023
16:00 Ihefu vs Geita Gold
18:00 Namungo vs JKT Tanzania
21:00 Dodoma Jiji vs Coastal Union
Wednesday 16/08/2023
16:00 Mashujaa vs Kagera Sugar
19:00 Azam vs Kitayosce
Thursday 17/08/2023
16:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs Simba
Tuesday 22/08/2023
16:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs Tanzania Prisons
Wednesday 23/08/2023
19:00 Young Africans vs KMC
Saturday 19/08/2023
16:00 Ihefu vs Kagera Sugar
19:00 Namungo vs KMC
Sunday 20/08/2023
14:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs Coastal Union
16:00 Simba vs Dodoma Jiji
Monday 21/08/2023
16:00 Mashujaa vs Geita Gold
Monday 28/08/2023
21:00 Azam vs Tanzania Prisons
Tuesday 29/08/2023
19:00 Young Africans vs JKT Tanzania
Thursday 31/08/2023
16:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs Kitayosce
Friday 15/09/2023
14:00 KMC vs JKT Tanzania
16:00 Kitayosce vs Tanzania Prisons
19:00 Dodoma Jiji vs Mtibwa Sugar
Saturday 16/09/2023
1:00 Simba vs Coastal Union
1:00 Young Africans vs Namungo
1:00 Azam vs Singida Foutain Gate
16:00 Mashujaa vs Ihefu
19:00 Kagera Sugar vs Geita Gold
Friday 29/09/2023
16:00 JKT Tanzania vs Kagera Sugar
19:00 Coastal Union vs Kitayosce
Saturday 30/09/2023
16:00 Geita Gold vs KMC
19:00 Namungo vs Mashujaa
Tuesday 03/10/2023
16:00 Tanzania Prisons vs Simba
19:00 Dodoma Jiji vs Azam
Wednesday 04/10/2023
16:00 Ihefu vs Young Africans
Thursday 05/10/2023
16:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs Singida Foutain Gate
Thursday 19/10/2023
16:00 Tanzania Prisons vs Mtibwa Sugar
Friday 20/10/2023
14:00 JKT Tanzania vs Mashujaa
16:00 KMC vs Ihefu
19:00 Kagera Sugar vs Namungo
Saturday 21/10/2023
19:00 Coastal Union vs Azam
Sunday 22/10/2023
1:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs Simba
14:00 Kitayosce vs Dodoma Jiji
16:00 Geita Gold vs Young Africans
Monday 23/10/2023
16:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs Kagera Sugar
Tuesday 24/10/2023
16:00 Tanzania Prisons vs JKT Tanzania
Wednesday 25/10/2023
14:00 Geita Gold vs Dodoma Jiji
16:00 Kitayosce vs KMC
18:00 Young Africans vs Azam
21:00 Namungo vs Singida Foutain Gate
Thursday 26/10/2023
1:00 Mashujaa vs Simba
16:00 Ihefu vs Coastal Union
Saturday 28/10/2023
16:00 JKT Tanzania vs Kitayosce
18:00 Young Africans vs Singida Foutain Gate
21:00 Dodoma Jiji vs Kagera Sugar
Sunday 29/10/2023
1:00 Simba vs Ihefu
14:00 KMC vs Tanzania Prisons
16:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs Geita Gold
18:00 Coastal Union vs Mashujaa
21:00 Azam vs Namungo
Tuesday 31/10/2023
16:00 JKT Tanzania vs Dodoma Jiji
Wednesday 01/11/2023
14:00 KMC vs Mtibwa Sugar
16:00 Tanzania Prisons vs Geita Gold
19:00 Kagera Sugar vs Kitayosce
Thursday 02/11/2023
14:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs Ihefu
16:00 Mashujaa vs Azam
19:00 Coastal Union vs Namungo
Sunday 05/11/2023
17:00 Simba vs Young Africans
Saturday 04/11/2023
16:00 KMC vs Dodoma Jiji
Sunday 05/11/2023
16:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs JKT Tanzania
19:00 Kagera Sugar vs Tanzania Prisons
Monday 06/11/2023
14:00 Ihefu vs Azam
16:00 Mashujaa vs Singida Foutain Gate
Tuesday 07/11/2023
16:00 Geita Gold vs Kitayosce
Saturday 11/11/2023
2:00 Simba vs Namungo
19:00 Coastal Union vs Young Africans
Friday 24/11/2023
14:00 Geita Gold vs JKT Tanzania
19:00 Kagera Sugar vs KMC
Saturday 25/11/2023
2:00 Kitayosce vs Simba
2:00 Dodoma Jiji vs Singida Foutain Gate
2:00 Young Africans vs Mashujaa
2:00 Azam vs Mtibwa Sugar
16:00 Tanzania Prisons vs Coastal Union
19:00 Namungo vs Ihefu
Tuesday 28/11/2023
14:00 Geita Gold vs Namungo
16:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs Coastal Union
19:00 Simba vs Azam
Wednesday 29/11/2023
14:00 Tanzania Prisons vs Dodoma Jiji
16:00 KMC vs Mashujaa
19:00 Kagera Sugar vs Young Africans
Thursday 30/11/2023
14:00 JKT Tanzania vs Ihefu
16:00 Kitayosce vs Mtibwa Sugar
Sunday 03/12/2023
16:00 Mashujaa vs Kitayosce
18:00 Coastal Union vs Geita Gold
21:00 Namungo vs Dodoma Jiji
Monday 04/12/2023
2:00 Young Africans vs Mtibwa Sugar
2:00 Simba vs Kagera Sugar
2:00 Azam vs KMC
2:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs JKT Tanzania
16:00 Ihefu vs Tanzania Prisons
Saturday 09/12/2023
16:00 Mashujaa vs Tanzania Prisons
19:00 Namungo vs Mtibwa Sugar
Sunday 10/12/2023
2:00 Geita Gold vs Simba
2:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs KMC
2:00 Young Africans vs Dodoma Jiji
2:00 Azam vs JKT Tanzania
16:00 Ihefu vs Kitayosce
19:00 Coastal Union vs Kagera Sugar
Tuesday 19/12/2023
16:00 JKT Tanzania vs Coastal Union
Wednesday 20/12/2023
16:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs Mashujaa
19:00 Dodoma Jiji vs Ihefu
Thursday 21/12/2023
2:00 Geita Gold vs Singida Foutain Gate
2:00 Kitayosce vs Young Africans
2:00 KMC vs Simba
2:00 Kagera Sugar vs Azam
16:00 Tanzania Prisons vs Namungo
Tuesday 26/12/2023
14:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs Ihefu
16:00 KMC vs Coastal Union
19:00 Kagera Sugar vs Singida Foutain Gate
Wednesday 27/12/2023
16:00 Tanzania Prisons vs Young Africans
19:00 Dodoma Jiji vs Mashujaa
Thursday 28/12/2023
14:00 Kitayosce vs Namungo
16:00 JKT Tanzania vs Simba
19:00 Azam vs Geita Gold
Saturday 30/12/2023
18:00 KMC vs Young Africans
21:00 Coastal Union vs Dodoma Jiji
Sunday 31/12/2023
14:00 Tanzania Prisons vs Singida Foutain Gate
16:00 Kitayosce vs Azam
19:00 Simba vs Mtibwa Sugar
Monday 01/01/2024
16:00 JKT Tanzania vs Namungo
19:00 Kagera Sugar vs Mashujaa
Tuesday 02/01/2024
16:00 Geita Gold vs Ihefu
Friday 16/02/2024
14:00 Tanzania Prisons vs Azam
16:00 Kitayosce vs Singida Foutain Gate
19:00 Coastal Union vs Mtibwa Sugar
Saturday 17/02/2024
16:00 Geita Gold vs Mashujaa
19:00 Dodoma Jiji vs Simba
Sunday 18/02/2024
14:00 KMC vs Namungo
16:00 JKT Tanzania vs Young Africans
19:00 Kagera Sugar vs Ihefu
Friday 23/02/2024
14:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs Dodoma Jiji
16:00 Tanzania Prisons vs Kitayosce
Saturday 24/02/2024
14:00 Geita Gold vs Kagera Sugar
16:00 JKT Tanzania vs KMC
Sunday 25/02/2024
2:00 Coastal Union vs Simba
2:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs Azam
2:00 Namungo vs Young Africans
16:00 Ihefu vs Mashujaa
Tuesday 27/02/2024
16:00 KMC vs Geita Gold
19:00 Simba vs Tanzania Prisons
Wednesday 28/02/2024
14:00 Kitayosce vs Coastal Union
16:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs Mtibwa Sugar
19:00 Young Africans vs Ihefu
Thursday 29/02/2024
16:00 Mashujaa vs Namungo
18:00 Kagera Sugar vs JKT Tanzania
21:00 Azam vs Dodoma Jiji
Sunday 03/03/2024
14:00 Ihefu vs KMC
16:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs Tanzania Prisons
19:00 Dodoma Jiji vs Kitayosce
Monday 04/03/2024
2:00 Young Africans vs Geita Gold
2:00 Azam vs Coastal Union
2:00 Simba vs Singida Foutain Gate
16:00 Mashujaa vs JKT Tanzania
21:00 Namungo vs Kagera Sugar
Friday 29/03/2024
19:00 Dodoma Jiji vs Geita Gold
Saturday 30/03/2024
16:00 KMC vs Kitayosce
19:00 Coastal Union vs Ihefu
Sunday 31/03/2024
2:00 Simba vs Mashujaa
2:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs Namungo
2:00 Azam vs Young Africans
15:00 JKT Tanzania vs Tanzania Prisons
18:00 Kagera Sugar vs Mtibwa Sugar
Friday 05/04/2024
15:00 Kitayosce vs JKT Tanzania
Saturday 06/04/2024
15:00 Geita Gold vs Mtibwa Sugar
Sunday 07/04/2024
15:00 Mashujaa vs Coastal Union
18:00 Kagera Sugar vs Dodoma Jiji
Monday 08/04/2024
1:00 Ihefu vs Simba
1:00 Namungo vs Azam
1:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs Young Africans
15:00 Tanzania Prisons vs KMC
Friday 12/04/2024
13:00 Kitayosce vs Kagera Sugar
15:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs KMC
18:00 Azam vs Mashujaa
Saturday 13/04/2024
16:00 Young Africans vs Simba
Sunday 14/04/2024
15:00 Geita Gold vs Tanzania Prisons
17:00 Namungo vs Coastal Union
20:00 Dodoma Jiji vs JKT Tanzania
Monday 15/04/2024
15:00 Ihefu vs Singida Foutain Gate
Friday 19/04/2024
15:00 Tanzania Prisons vs Kagera Sugar
Saturday 20/04/2024
15:00 Kitayosce vs Geita Gold
17:00 Dodoma Jiji vs KMC
Sunday 21/04/2024
1:00 Namungo vs Simba
1:00 Azam vs Ihefu
1:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs Mashujaa
1:00 Young Africans vs Coastal Union
15:00 JKT Tanzania vs Mtibwa Sugar
Friday 26/04/2024
15:00 KMC vs Kagera Sugar
Saturday 27/04/2024
15:00 Ihefu vs Namungo
Sunday 28/04/2024
1:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs Dodoma Jiji
1:00 Mashujaa vs Young Africans
1:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs Azam
1:00 Simba vs Kitayosce
15:00 JKT Tanzania vs Geita Gold
18:00 Coastal Union vs Tanzania Prisons
Tuesday 30/04/2024
18:00 Young Africans vs Kagera Sugar
Wednesday 01/05/2024
13:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs Kitayosce
15:00 Ihefu vs JKT Tanzania
17:00 Azam vs Simba
20:00 Dodoma Jiji vs Tanzania Prisons
Thursday 02/05/2024
15:00 Mashujaa vs KMC
17:00 Coastal Union vs Singida Foutain Gate
20:00 Namungo vs Geita Gold
Friday 10/05/2024
15:00 Geita Gold vs Coastal Union
Saturday 11/05/2024
13:00 Kitayosce vs Mashujaa
15:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs Young Africans
18:00 Dodoma Jiji vs Namungo
Sunday 12/05/2024
1:00 JKT Tanzania vs Singida Foutain Gate
1:00 KMC vs Azam
15:00 Tanzania Prisons vs Ihefu
17:00 Kagera Sugar vs Simba
Friday 17/05/2024
15:00 Kitayosce vs Ihefu
18:00 Kagera Sugar vs Coastal Union
Saturday 18/05/2024
15:00 Tanzania Prisons vs Mashujaa
Sunday 19/05/2024
15:00 Mtibwa Sugar vs Namungo
Monday 20/05/2024
1:00 Dodoma Jiji vs Young Africans
1:00 JKT Tanzania vs Azam
1:00 Simba vs Geita Gold
1:00 KMC vs Singida Foutain Gate
Monday 20/05/2024
1:00 Coastal Union vs JKT Tanzania
1:00 Simba vs KMC
1:00 Ihefu vs Dodoma Jiji
1:00 Mashujaa vs Mtibwa Sugar
1:00 Namungo vs Tanzania Prisons
1:00 Young Africans vs Kitayosce
1:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs Geita Gold
1:00 Azam vs Kagera Sugar
Wednesday 29/05/2024
1:00 Simba vs JKT Tanzania
1:00 Coastal Union vs KMC
1:00 Mashujaa vs Dodoma Jiji
1:00 Ihefu vs Mtibwa Sugar
1:00 Young Africans vs Tanzania Prisons
1:00 Namungo vs Kitayosce
1:00 Geita Gold vs Azam
1:00 Singida Foutain Gate vs Kagera Sugar


Ratiba ya Ligi Kuu ya NBC msimu wa 2023/2024

Under the guidance of the Tanzania Football Federation (TFF), the league board has carefully published the preliminary match schedule for the upcoming 2023-24 season. Soccer lovers can look forward to an exciting series of matches and exciting events as the season progresses.

The 2023-24 Premier League season is expected to start in 15 August this year, marking the start of a festival of football that will attract fans from across Tanzania. The league’s board of directors, in collaboration with TFF, has carefully planned a schedule that ensures a fair and competitive environment for all participating teams.

With careful consideration of factors such as team facilities, pitch availability and player well-being, the preliminary schedule promises an interesting and busy season. One of the biggest events on the Tanzanian football calendar is the “Kariakoo Big Run”. This exciting race, showcasing the speed and agility of athletes, is expected to take place in September of this year.

Ligi Kuu Tanzania Bara

Starting from the 2018/19 season, the league grew to 20 clubs that played two-round competitions. The club that ranked first at the end of the season participated in the championship club competition in Africa (Confederation of African Football (CAF) Champions League) the following season.

Starting from the 2015/16 season, the winner of the Azam Sports Federation Cup qualified to participate in the (CAF Confederations Cup), before the change, the runner-up in the league was the one who qualified to participate in the Confederations Cup in Africa.

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