Home » Majina ya waliopata mkopo DUCE 2023/24 pdf

Majina ya waliopata mkopo DUCE 2023/24 pdf

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Majina ya waliopata mkopo DUCE 2023
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Majina ya waliopata mkopo DUCE 2023/24 pdf, The Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) is a public institution established in 2005 through the Government Notice No. 202 published on 22nd July 2005. The establishment of the College was a priority response by the Government of Tanzania to address the problem of acute shortage of graduate teachers and experts in the education sector that had resulted from the rapid expansion of school enrolment. The expansion was due to the successes of the Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP) in 2002 – 2006 and the Secondary Education Development Programme (SEDP I) in 2004 – 2009, among other initiatives.

Majina ya waliopata mkopo DUCE 2023

Majina ya waliopata mkopo DUCE 2023

Majina ya waliopata mkopo DUCE 2023/24 pdf

HESLB allocate loan to every undergraduates students in each university or college. In this academic year 2023/2024 High students loan board (HESLB) announced the criteria for the students to get loan. If the students meet that criteria will be subjected to loan allocation to his/her selected university.

This article will bring to you the names of students who meet the criteria of loan application and hence selected to join  Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE). Each year Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) receive the names of students form High students loan board (HESLB) who allocated the load for respective academic year. After receiving the names of the students who allocated for load (Majina ya wanafunzi waliopata mkopoArdhi 2023/2024), The students is required to confirm (Sign) to loan officer at Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE).

Loan items and amounts to be allocated to students 2023/2024

Successful applicants will be financed a maximum amount equivalent to established neediness. The established maximum lump sum will be distributed in the loan items as per the following sequence; Meals and Accommodation (MA), Tuition Fee (TF), Books and Stationery Expenses (BS), Special Faculty Requirements (SFR), Research Expenses (RES) and finally Field Practical Training (FPT).

HESLB may provide loans to cover all or some of the following items:-

  • Meals and Accommodation(MA)

MA maximum amount will be calculated at TZS. 10,000.00 per day during on campus training as per HEIs almanac for respective academic year.

  • Tuition fee rates

The maximum tuition fee of TZS 3,100,000.00 per annum based on the comparable rates charged by public institution.

  • Books and stationery expenses

A maximum of TZS 200,000.00 per annum for Books and Stationery may be granted to eligible and needy students.

  • Special Faculty Requirement (SFR)

Subject to Means Testing results, applicant may be availed with Special Faculty Requirement (SFR) loans up to 100% but only for study programmes that require special faculty requirement items and only for specified items as approved by TCU/NACTVET based on the rates comparable to public institutions.

Upon request, eligible and needy students with disability may be considered for additional loan to carter for assistance and special academic material requirements as may be determined by HESLB.

  • Field practical training/Teaching Practical(FPT)

Field Practical Training/Teaching Practical (FPT) loans at the rate of TZS 10,000.00 per day up to a maximum of 56 days in a year.

HESLB may provide such loans for those programmes that require Field Practical Training (FPT) as recommended by the respective Higher Education Institutions and approved by the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and the National Council for Technical and Vocational Educational Training (NACTVET).

  • Research Expenses

HESLB may provide 100% loans for Research expenses in selected fields only, based on the rates applicable at public institutions and as may be endorsed by either TCU or NACTVET. These fields include:-

  •   Health Sciences
  •   Engineering
  •   Agriculture
  •   Land Sciences
  •   Other eligible undergraduate programmes may be given Research loans to the tune of TZS 100,000.00 in their final year of study.

Payment Mode

Payments for MA, BS, FPT, SFR and RES items shall be made directly to students while TF shall be paid to the respective Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). All payments shall be effected after the students’acknowledgement through prescribed method at respective Higher Education Institution through verified bank account details provided during application for loans.

In the event a student does not sign or acknowledge receipt of fund on time, the loan shall be returned to HESLB after expiry of 30 days from the date the transaction information was received at the Higher Education Institution and student notified through mobile phone. The amount RETURNED shall not be paid back to a student. However, the unpaid amount shall not be part of the beneficiary’s debt. Any subsequent payments must be confirmed by the respective HEI.

How to get Majina ya waliopata mkopo DUCE 2023/2024

The HESLB neediest applicants will be successfully allocated for the 2023/2024 academic year based on the newly HESLB guidelines and criteria for issuance of students’ loans and Grants for the 2023/2024 academic year.  Sadly, due to some reasons, some applicants will not be allocated for HESLB loans 2023/2024 during the first batch, in such a case they will be required to wait for other upcoming batches.

Use SIPA account to check you loan status: SIPA login HESLB

Sipa heslb login, SIPA HESLB login, Student individual permanent account (SIPA) is the account you used to apply for a loan. Visit your SIPA account to get information about your Loan application. CLICK HERE TO LOGIN

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