Job vacancies at Bodi ya Korosho Tanzania. The Cashewnut Board of Tanzania (CBT) is a corporate body established by the Act No. 18 of 2009. It is entrusted with the responsibility of regulating the development of the Cashew Industry in Tanzania in undertaking its mandated roles.
The function of CBT is as set out in the Cashew Act No.18 of 2009 as outlined below:-
- To advise the government on policies and strategies for the development of the Cashew industry
- To promote the development of Cashewnut production, processing and marketing.
- To assist directly or through financial support the research and development of Cashew Industry.
- To regulate and control the quality of Cashewnuts.
- To collect, refine and maintain, use, disseminate information or data concerning the Cashewnuts Industry.
- To ensure proper management of Cashewnuts Development Fund established under the CBT Act no.18 of 2009.
- To promote and facilitate the formation of associations (or other bodies) related to or dealing with Cashewnut Industry and coordinate their activities
- To make and enforce Cashewnut Regulations.
- To provide consultancy and technical services to cashew farmers, processors, buyers, or exporters.
- To represent the Government in International Forum
20 Job vacancies at Bodi ya Korosho Tanzania
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