3 Job Opportunities at VVOB Tanzania
VVOB Tanzania education for development is an international non-profit organisation with over 40 years’ experience in strengthening the quality of education systems in Africa, Asia and South America in close partnership with ministries of education and their institutions. Our head office is based in Brussels, Belgium. We support the professionalisation of teachers by strengthening the institutions tasked with their initial training and continued professional development, and those institutions responsible for the mentoring and coaching of new teachers. This way, the pedagogical and didactic competencies of both new and experienced teachers are strengthened. We are also committed to the professional development of school leaders. Effective school leadership creates an environment in which teachers provide quality work.
School leaders guide, support and develop their teachers, and have, as such, a big impact on learning outcomes of learners too. We offer technical solutions in the form of technical assistance that reinforces the capacity of the government and local education authorities. This mainly concerns departments in the ministries of education and institutions that provide professional development opportunities to teachers and school leaders. We offer practical and technical education expertise as well as process support, and simultaneously make sure that our partners increasingly take the lead as the programme progresses. This guarantees the sustainabilityof our results.
VVOB Tanzania Vacancies, December 2024
The organization is inviting applications from suitable candidates to apply for new vacant positions.