www.nbs.go.tz ajira, www.nbs.go.tz ajira form | www ajira nbs go tz, The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has been established as an autonomous public office by the Statistics Act, 2015 and has the mandate to provide official statistics to the Government, business community and the public at large.
www.nbs.go.tz ajira
The Act also gives NBS the mandate to play the role as a co-coordinating agency, within the National Statistical System (NSS) to ensure that quality official statistics is produced. Before the enactment of the Statistics Act of 2015, the NBS was one of the Government Executive Agencies which was established on the 26th March, 1999 under the Executive Agencies Act, 1997.
The Statistics Act is among the legislation that have been revised in 2019 and published on 28th February, 2020 (GN 140/2020). The said revision of the Statistics Act includes the amendments of 2018 and 2019.
In this regard, with effect from 28th February 2020, the Statistics Act shall be cited as “The Statistics Act, [Cap 351 R.E 2019].
www.nbs.go.tz ajira | How To apply ajira za sensa
Population and housing census is a process of collecting, analyzing, evaluating and publishing and disseminating demographic, economic and social data related to all persons and their settlements in a country for a specified period. In other words, the census is a special exercise aimed at finding the total population in a country, by age and gender, place of residence and status of education, employment status, birth status and mortality and housing status.
www.nbs.go.tz ajira form
Follow the steps Below to fill sensa form via www.nbs.go.tz ajira
- Visit official website https://ajira.nbs.go.tz/
- Fill all details including VALID EMAIL and NIDA Number
Sensa 2022
A Sensa exercise will be held in August this year and census jobs (Ajira za Sensa) will be announced as the time approaches for each region.
Population and housing census is a process of collecting, analyzing, evaluating and publishing and disseminating demographic, economic and social data related to all persons and their settlements in a country for a specified period. In other words, the census is a special exercise aimed at finding the total population in a country, by age and gender, place of residence and status of education, employment status, birth status and mortality and housing status. These basic data are the ones that can match the real needs of citizens including special groups with special needs for example, people with disabilities, women, children, youth and the elderly thus facilitating the development of policies and development plans according to the need and environment.
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The Population and Housing Census is a national exercise conducted every 10 years where the last census to be held in the country is the one in 2012. Thus the Census 2022 will be the Sixth Census to be held in the country after the Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar in 1964. Census others took place in 1967, 1978, 1988, 2002 and 2012.
2022 Population and Housing Census Commissioner Hon. Anne Makinda has called on Religious and Traditional leaders to provide education on the importance of the Census so that all citizens can participate fully in the 2022 Population and Housing Census.
Speaking at a conference organized by the Twariqatul religious institution, the Census Commissioner said religious and traditional leaders have a key role to play in ensuring that the Tanzanian public has an understanding of the 2022 Population and Housing Census and is actively involved. He said the best social services provided to citizens are based on statistics and citizen participation in various Censuses including the 2022 Population and Housing Census.
Tanzania is an East African country known for its vast wilderness areas. They include the plains of Serengeti National Park, a safari mecca populated by the “big five” game (elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino), and Kilimanjaro National Park, home to Africa’s highest mountain. Offshore lie the tropical islands of Zanzibar, with Arabic influences, and Mafia, with a marine park home to whale sharks and coral reefs.