RITA Verification of birth certificate | RITA Uhakiki wa vyeti online 2023

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RITA Verification of birth certificate | RITA Uhakiki wa vyeti online 2023. RITA uhakiki portal-rita 2022  UHAKIKI RITA, RITA UHAKIKI VYETI PORTAL 2021/2022. Rita control number 2021, Rita Login www.rita.go.tz
If you are finding on How to Verify you birth ad death certificates here in this article you will all details about RITA Uhakiki wa Vyeti 2021, and How to Verify.
RITA Verification of birth certificate

RITA Verification of birth certificate

RITA Verification of birth certificate |Uhakiki portal-rita 2022

About RITA. RITA was officially launched on the 23rd June 2006 and replaces what was known as the Administrator Generals Department in the Attorney Generals Chambers, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. It is an Executive Agency under the Attorney Generals Chambers in the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs.
The history of RITA dates back in 1917 when the German Colonial power enacted a law for registration of births and deaths (Proclamation No.15 of 1917 (Civil Area). When the British took over the administration of Tanganyika (Tanzania Mainland) from the Germans retained the Register of births and deaths established under the Germans law by saving it under the Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance, 1920 (Cap.108).

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It should be noted that under both colonial powers registration of births and deaths was not compulsory for Africans. Between 1920 and 1960 the British colonial power came with more laws on key life events and other matters. These laws were either wholly or partly administered by the office of the Administrator General/Registrar General.

RITA Verification of birth certificate | RITA Uhakiki wa vyeti online 2022/23

RITA has Launched online services for verify Birth and Death certificates called Rita Online Portal. The aim of RITA online Portal is to apply for Birth and Death certificates as well as to verify you Birth and Death Certificates (RITA uhakiki wa vyeti online)

How to verify Birth and death certificates ( RITA uhakiki wa Vyeti online)

RITA Uhakiki wa vyeti  is very very important especially for students who are applying for higher learning loan (Loan application)

HSLB Collaborate with Registration Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA) to make sure that all students have been verify their birth certificates as well as for those who lost their parents they have to verify their parents death certificates as well. Failure to do so your loan application will not be considered.

In order to Verify the Birth and Death Certificates Log in RITA online portal




The Registration Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA) would like to inform the Public that, they can now apply our services below through online:

1. New applications for registration of Births and Deaths.
2. Verification of Birth and Death certificate.

Important things to consider when applying:

1. Save the information you used to create an account.
2. The applicant must have his or her correct information together with both parents.
3. Applicant will receive a Payment bill/Control number and will be required to pay through Bank (NMB and CRDB) or Mobile Payment Services (M-PESA, TIGO PESA and AIRTEL Money) only in accordance with the information provided to you.
4. Applicant to have soft copies of attachments required in pdf format.
5. Applicant to specify the district of pickup point to collect the certificate.

In addition, we would like to urge all applicants to follow the above instructions to avoid inconvenience. The application links along with the Application Guideline are available at the bottom of this page.

Remember: the application will not be processed before completing the service payment.

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How to Register for  Death Certificates

A death is required to be registered within 30days, however the law allows for late registration. The duty to register death lies on the following:

NB: A Doctor, nearest relatives of such person who were present at his death or in attendance during his last illness, occupier of the house , inmate of the house ,or any person taking charge of burying such person.

1: Registration of death within 30 days

    If the death occurred in hospitals, health centers and dispensaries, ensure you obtain Burial Permit. In case of a death occurring at home report to Village Executive Officer or the District Registrar of Birth and Deaths to obtain burial permit. This should be done within 30 days.

2.Procedure to obtain Death certificate

  • Submit Burial permit to District Registrar of Birth and Deaths of District within which the death occurred.
  • Pay appropriate fee for Certificate (current fee rate Tshs. 3500/=).

3: Late registration of deaths.

  • Fill and submit Form D3, attach supporting documents (Minutes of the family meeting and Letter from relevant government authorities such as Ward Executive Officer, Village executive officer) to prove death.
  • Submit passport size photograph of the Applicant.
  • Pay appropriate fee( current fee rate is Tshs 4000/= if death is over 30 days and below 10 years. If the death is over 10 years the fee is Tshs 10,000/=).

4: Certification of death certificates

  • Submit photocopy of the certificate to certified.
  • Pay appropriate fee ( current fee rate Tshs 3000/=).

5: To make correction on the certificate of death

  • Submit request for correction
  • Attach supporting documents
  • Surrender certificate which needs to be corrected.
  • Pay appropriate fee if application allowed( current fee rate Tshs.6500/=being 3000/= correction fee , 1500/= search fee and 2000/= certificate fee)

How to register for Birth Certificates

Registration of births is governed by the Births and Deaths Registration Act, (CAP 108, R.E 2002)

According to the law a birth is require to be registered within 90 days of the occurrence and a Death within 30days, and that  event Must be occurred within the borders of mainland Tanzania.However, the law allows for late registration. The duty to register a birth lies on the following:

NB: Father or mother, and, in default of the father and mother, of the occupier of the house in which to his knowledge such child is born, and of each person present at the birth, and of the persons having charge of such child, to register the birth within three months of birth.


1: Registration of birth within 90 days

  • If the Birth occurred in hospitals, health centers and dispensaries, ensure you obtain Notification of Birth.
  • In case of a birth occurring at home report to Village Executive Officer or the District Registrar of Births and Deaths to obtain notification of Birth. This should be done within 90 days.
  • Submit notification of Birth to District Registrar of Births and Deaths of the District within which the birth occurred.
  • Pay appropriate fee for Certificate (current fee rate Tshs. 3500/=).

2: Late registration of birth over 90 days but below 10 years.

  • Fill and submit Registration form, B3 (Filled by Parents/Guardian)
  • Affix one passport size photograph of the child.
  • Attach supporting documents ( Clinic card, Baptismal certificate if applicable, Letter from relevant government authorities such as Ward Executive Officer (WEO), Village Executive Officer ), for proof of date birth, place of birth and nationality of parents.
    Pay appropriate fee ( current rate fee 4000/=)

3: Late Registration of Births above 10 years

  • Fill and submit Registration Form B3  (Filled by Parents/Guardian).
  • Affix passport size photograph.
  • Attach supporting documents (Clinic card, Baptismal certificate if applicable, School leaving certificates. Letter from relevant government authorities such as Ward Executive Officer (WEO), Village Executive Officer), for proof of date birth, place of birth and nationality of parents.
  • Pay appropriate fee ( current fee rate in RITA HQ Tshs 20,000/= and ).
  • Districts 10,000/=

4: To obtain a copy of birth certificate after the original has been lost.

  • Submit request indicating entry number, name, date of registration and place of birth.
  • Pay appropriate fee ( current fee rate Tshs.3500/= being Tshs 1500/= search fee and Tshs 2000/= for certificate)

5: To make correction on the certificate of birth

  • Submit request for correction
  • Attach supporting documents
  • Surrender certificate which needs to be corrected.
  • Pay appropriate fee if application allowed( current fee rate Tshs.6500/=being 3000/= correction fee , 1500/= search fee and 2000/= certificate fee)


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