Census Modules | Mwongozo wa karani wa sensa 2022

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Published: Updated: 1 comment
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Census Modules | Mwongozo wa karani wa sensa 2022.(karani wa sensa in english – Census Clerk) Population and Housing Census is a process of collecting, analyzing and distributing demographic, economic and social statistics related to all people in the country and their residence in a specific period. To plan and implement various economic and social development programs, It is important to have accurate statistics related to people, which have been analyzed by Classification of groups, size and dispersion or density of people and residence in all parts of the country. Population and Housing Census is important in get these basic statistics.

Census Modules

Census Modules

The National Statistics Office in collaboration with the Office of the Chief Statistician of the Government Mapinduzi Zanzibar, are responsible for conducting the Population and Housing Census in the country. Considering the purpose and importance of the Census as outlined there beginning, Clerks and Census Managers and all those who will be involved in the exercise

The census have to understand that, to fully perform the duties given to them and achieve access to accurate data, they will have helped it The nation and all Tanzanians in general. So that they can carry out the work effectively
NBS/OCGS have prepared various guidelines to guide them. The Census Clerk’s Guide is an instruction and clarification of questions on the questionnaire, which instructs the Census clerk how to collect the correct information of the household.

This guide explains important concepts that you need to know about Population and Housing Census, methods of data collection and information in the form of inquiring to get the best, complete, logical and timely data out
to the respondent. So it is important for every clerk to read, understand and keep the guide this, for the entire Census period as you will use it as a reference. However, the guide

This does not describe in detail all the challenges you will encounter during the exercise gather information. So we rely on the information that you will be given by your supervisor, your understanding of the job as well as the responsibilities that have been outlined in this guide will help you work efficiently throughout the Census.

Census Modules | Mwongozo wa karani wa sensa 2022

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1 comment

Sauli Thomas August 1, 2022 - 6:17 am

Naomba kujitolea kufanya kazi hii majina yangu Sauli Thomasi Kalinji id nida 19940501551180000225
Phone number 0625281044
Emel thomassaury1@gmail.com


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